Yosemite Sam Sound and Picture Links
Yosemite Sam Windows Icons

click on the icon to download it
These are what I am using on my system.
Yosemite Sam Startup Screens for Windows

Yosemite Sam Shutdown Screen #1 for Windows

For the second shutdown screen, I use the default message "It is
now safe to turn off your computer", except I've made the text blue on black (I'm a
Star Wars fan, and wasn't too pleased by the orange/brown letters.) You may also use one
of these:

- The opening screen graphic needs the name changed to logo.sys and put in your c:\
root directory.
- The wait screen needs the name changed to logow.sys and put in your windows
- The final shutdown screen (if available) needs the name changed to logos.sys and
put in your windows directory.
COMING SOON - Yosemite Sam Clipart !